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The Unsuccessfulness of Migrating

Parents believe that leaving Central America will make their problems go away and they can live a better life. However, even after parents migrate to the United States, they are still in poverty and are not able to provide for their family. According to Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova, “Around 28 percent of immigrant families from Guatemala and Honduras were in poverty” (2015). A big problem for families and parents that migrate to the United States is that they aren’t covered by any type of health insurance. According to the Migration Policy Institute, “More than half of Central American immigrants (52 percent) were uninsured: a much higher share compared to both the total foreign born (32 percent) and native born (12 percent)” (Zong & Batalova, 2015). Every family needs health insurance if they want to guarantee their children getting the care that they need. Also there are many parents who ruin their kids’ lives, which in turn, ruins their own lives after abandoning them and going to the United States.

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